Tag: concrete mixer on trailer

Concrete Drying Time

Hey everyone,  Daniel here from Ready Mixer. Today we will talk about concrete curing time or concrete drying time.  To start, concrete drying time simplified is the amount of time it takes water to dry from the concrete mix. A few different variables can affect the drying time of concrete such as temperature, humidity, water-to-cement […]

Concrete Chipping

Hey everyone, Daniel from Ready Mixer here. Today we are going to talk about concrete chipping.  Honestly, as a mini batch plant owner, this is a topic you would never want to happen to you, but it happens.  I wanted to give you an idea of how to deal with it and helpful tips when […]

The Cost of a Mini Batch Plant

Ready Mixer’s Mini Batch Plant Equipment Hey everyone, Welcome back to another blog post from Ready Mixer. Today I wanted to talk about the high cost of starting a mini batch plant and different ways you can cut costs.  Based on our market research the average cost of buying a full mini-batch plant from our […]